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Find the latest updates of public engagement news, opportunities, funding, and more.

Priyanka Dhopade at the final of 'I'm a researcher'

Let's Talk About Climate: A PER Lab case study

Ken Amor and Sarah Lloyd (Museum of Natural History) were awarded £5,000 with the aim of working with year 11 and 12 teenagers to explore the science of the IPCC reports and reinterpret them, with the support of researchers and museum collections and staff, by creating their own ‘report’ (written, video, art or performance), and sharing this report with policy and decision-makers.

PER Seed Fund 2020-21 Projects Announced

A total of 21 projects have been funded through the 2020/21 PER Seed Fund, including 2 from MPLS. You can take a look at the funded projects for inspiration and ideas, ready for the next round that will open in Autumn.

STFC Public Engagement Reaction Awards - no deadline

Up to £5,000 is available to support quick-responses for timely projects e.g., that are responding to unexpected and/or highly significant discoveries, or significantly heightened awareness of the social, cultural, or economic impacts of STFC science and technology.

British Pharmacological Society Engagement Grants, no deadline

The British Pharmacological Society offers small grants up to £250 or larger grants up to £1,500 to support and promote engagement with all forms of pharmacology and drug discovery research.

Read: Five Rules to Communicate Evidence

This comment piece in Nature provides excellent, clear tips and food for thought if you're a researcher who wants to communicate the evidence to foster public discussion and build trust.

The Ideas Fund - coming soon for mental wellbeing projects

The Ideas Fund is a new grants programme delivered by the British Science Association and funded by Wellcome that enables the UK public to think about, develop and test new ideas related to areas of mental wellbeing that are relevant to them. The Fund connects communities with research professionals to bring their ideas to life. The Fund will launch mid-January and run until October 2023. The first round of funding will be focused on four localities – more information on these will be available when the Fund is launched.

Read: What having conversations with voters taught me about science communication

"Even during a bitter election season, persuasive conversations were not only possible, but surprisingly attainable". It might feel like it's utterly impossible to have productive conversations about science sometimes but this article featured in Scientific American gives a really interesting perspective and reflections on effective strategies for having potentially sticky conversations. Get yourself a cuppa and give it a read; especially if your research is in climate change or any other 'controversial' area.

Read: applying storytelling to communicating research

In this blog a researcher works through their two favourite storytelling 'tools' to apply narrative to research communication.

The Equity Compass: a tool to help make engagement with young people more equitable

The people behind the 'Science Capital' research and projects have a launched a new project focussed on young peoples' engagement with STEM, and how to help make it more equitable. They've released some new publications and tools for those undertaking engagement.

Congratulations to Dr Becky Smethurst - awarded IoPs Mary Somerville Medal

Dr Becky Smethurst (Department of Physics) has been awarded the Mary Somerville Medal for exceptional early career contributions to public engagement within physics in recognition of the success of her YouTube channel, Dr Becky.

What's coming up at Oxford Sparks?

An update on what's coming up at Oxford Sparks - the University of Oxford's platform for digital science engagement.

Interested in science writing? Check out these useful resources and training

The Science Writing Round-Up is a monthly collection of the latest news, opportunities, resources, videos, and events related to science writing and science journalism. If you're interested in writing for the public or perhaps intrigued about career opportunities in the areas then it's well worth a read and subscribing to.

Free course: Become a Better Presenter: Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

FutureLearn is hosting this free three-week course, created by staff at the Royal Observatory Greenwich and the Presenter Network. Learn how to improve your presentation skills (face to face and digitally) and add personality into your presentation style.

Read: How to talk to the media about science

The Royal Society of Chemistry's Chemistry World provides a short article highlighting some of the key ways to hone your communications with the media.

Watch: SciComm advocacy - Writing an op-ed or letter to the editor webinar

In this Sharing Science webinar, part of the American Geophysical Union's "How to: Skills for the Complete Scientist" series, learn from folks who have both written and edited op-eds and LTEs for local and national outlets.

UK Parliament: online training for researchers

These focused, practical webinars are 45 minutes long, and give an insight into how to use research to engage with Parliament.

Watch: Raising STEM aspirations - How can I make a real difference?

The Department of Physics recently hosted Dr Martin Archer, Stephen Hawking fellow in space physics and public engagement at Imperial College London to talk about what we know about what factors affect STEM aspirations, what's likely to impact aspirations, before talking through a case study of a project he's been involved in.

PER Conference 2020 - session videos and materials available - watch them before they're gone!

The University's PER Conference (7-10 July 2020) session videos and slides, etc., will be online for another month.

Mother Earth: Taking Research to School Children During the Pandemic

In 2020 summer term, as schools closed down due to the corona virus pandemic, Cowley Road Works facilitated projects to bring together researchers and school students in an engagement project for children to access from their homes. Originally envisaged as a project to bring research to life as part of the Carnival in July, here we report how the modified online project went.

Wellcome Enriching Engagement funded projects announced

Seven projects from Medical Sciences and MPLS have been awarded funding in Round 2 of the Enriching Engagement grant scheme. They join the six Round 1 projects awarded in November 2019. Have a read of the project summaries for a bit of inspiration.

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