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Find the latest updates of public engagement news, opportunities, funding, and more.

Priyanka Dhopade at the final of 'I'm a researcher'

Treasure Hunt on a Desert Island: A Fun Way to Learn Reinforcement Learning

Jacques Cloete and his team of DPhil students created this pirate-themed treasure hunt teaches the Exploration/Exploitation Dilemma in machine learning through interactive play. Here, Jacques explains the game and provides everything you need to use it yourself in your outreach and engagement activities.

Sense about Science: Stand Up for Science Workshop, Online, 12 July

Sense about Science are running an online Standing up for Science workshop for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) on Friday 12 July, as part of their Voice of Young Science network. Deadline for applications 1 July.

New Case Study: Engineering Spotlight: Illuminating the Impact of Engineering Research

The Department of Engineering Science’s 'Spotlight' event series has successfully bridged the gap between complex engineering research and public awareness. By fostering effective communication skills among researchers, the initiative has demonstrated the importance and relevance of engineering in everyday life to a wider, non-specialist audience. This case study explores the development of the initiative and the department's plans to diversify audiences and solidify its impact.

Watch: Integrating impact in research funding proposals

Fast Track Impact have released a recording of their training session, delivered by Prof Mark Reed on how to increase your bidding success rate and integrate impact into a competitive research funding proposal.

Webinar: Communicating animal research via websites, 4 July

Understanding Animal Research are hosting this free webinar discuss how to communicate animal research and engage non-specialist audiences via institutional websites.

Watch: Empowering voices - Advancing social mobility in the chemical sciences

An hour long webinar recording from the Royal Society of Chemistry in partnership with Chemistry World, that looks at socioeconomic inequalities, how this limits inclusive access and progress in the chemical sciences.

Engineering x Policy Events: Practical Workshop & Seminar on moving from Science to Policy

The Department of Engineering Science in collaboration with the Oxford Policy Engagement Network are hosting a series of events aimed at closing the gap between the scientific community, by better equipping researchers with the awareness, knowledge and tools to engage in research-backed policymaking. The events take place on 26 June and 3 July.

Royal Society of Chemistry Outreach grants, deadlines 9 Sept and 11 Nov 2024

The Royal Society of Chemistry offers grants to support members, individuals and organisations to run chemistry-based public and schools engagement activities. The scheme has rolling deadlines throughout 2024.

IoP Outreach and Communicators Conference, 14 Nov, London

The Institute of Physics is hosting this free one day conference at their premises in London. You can also submit ideas for talks and posters, deadline 27 Sept.

Congratulations to Chenying Liu - Josh Award 2024 winner

Chenying Liu (Engineering) has won the Josh Award, a national prize for early-career science communicators celebrating science communication that demonstrates fun with a purpose.

Announcing the winners of the 2024 3MT Competition

The final saw eight competitors vying for the Three Minute Thesis prize.

British Ecological Society POST Fellowship, deadline 11 June

The British Ecological Society (BES) is offering an opportunity for its members to contribute to the development of science policy in the UK.

Interact - a symposium for physical sciences engagement - call for sessions now open, deadline 17 June

This year's symposium will take place Thursday 19 September at Northumbria University. They're inviting session submissions for a range of formats, around a diverse range of themes, from evaluation through to reaching under-represented audiences.

New case study: Lessons in Chemistry: Developing and Delivering Research-Based Workshops for Schools

A new case study charting the journey of developing and delivering three research-based workshops designed for schools, each based on a different group in the Department of Chemistry.

Sense about Science: Stand Up for Science Workshop, deadline 13 May

Sense about Science are running a Standing up for Science workshop for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) on Friday 1st March at the University of Nottingham, as part of our Voice of Young Science network.

AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science, deadline 30 June

The AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science, established in 2010, recognizes early-career scientists and engineers who demonstrate excellence in their contribution to public engagement with science activities. The award comes with a cash prize.

AAAS Mani L. Bhaumik Award for Public Engagement with Science, deadline 30 June

The AAAS Mani L. Bhaumik Award for Public Engagement with Science was established in 1987 to recognize scientists and engineers who demonstrate excellence in their contribution to public engagement with science. There is a cash prize.

British Pharmacological Society Public Engagement Awards, deadline 30 June

This award will recognise high-quality public engagement, both of pharmacology research and inspiring the public about pharmacology generally. The award comes with a cash prize.

New case study: AI for Everyone: Prof. Mike Wooldridge's Journey into Public Engagement

A new case study chronicles Mike’s journey into public engagement with AI, highlighting his initial motivations, the milestones he has achieved, and the lessons learned along the way.

Join in the Begbroke Family Science Day at Exeter Hall, 30 May

Oxford University Development's community engagement programme are inviting researchers to come along to their Family Science Day.

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